Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's November!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!
Can you believe it's November??

I have to get busy making Christmas cards. I swore when last Christmas came so quickly that I didn't get cards made, that I would get them done this year... we'll see. I am going to do my best!
With our first grandbaby due New Years Day things are going to get crazy! Shelby actually went into pre-term labor on Friday night. They ended up giving her a shot of something to stop it. They were also able to do a test to tell if she would deliver within the next two weeks! Crazy! She will not, thank goodness!

Working on some new cut files to post. I will try to get some up today so check back later.We were in the hospital til 4am Sat. morning an I could not get to sleep once we got home so I am doing allot of napping trying to catch up. If I don't get anything up today I will for sure get something posted tomorrow.

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